Thursday, May 19, 2011

River Water Cycle Animation

Due to the water conference happening at my school, we were told to create an animation of anything involving water. I chose the water cycle, specifically the one for rivers. 

This animation was relatively easy but it consisted of many layers and frames. I think the only problems I ran into was the timing and the shape motion tween. I had to be careful with the timing because of the many frames but it all turned out fine. The shape tween for the river looked quite awkward after the process of precipitation. Other than that, it turned out fine. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Slideshow Animation

For this project, the class was to create a slideshow of pictures using Adobe Flash. I didn't have much difficulty with this project. I learned a great deal from this project but I won't get into that. I found that I was having an easier time with the frames. At first, I would have a hard time placing the frames and creating motion tween and I would feel frustrated when the animation didn't move. I didn't have much problems with that during the project. There were only a few tweaks I had to make. One thing I would have liked to fix, however, was the manipulation of the shapes. Sometimes I made the frames too fast or to small so there would be difficulty for the viewer to look at the picture or read the text. I could've made it bigger and I could've made the movement of the animation less sloppy. Yes, I found most of the movement quite sloppy. I had a hard time thinking of a sequence for the pictures so I just went into the project and did whatever. I guess that was a bad idea. The first picture was nice, zooming out and then back in but the second was fast. It just sped by with the shape hardly changing. The other pictures were fine other than the second one. But the movement of the animations were simple.
Other than that, it turned out okay. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I'm not sure if I liked this project or not but I think it turned out pretty well. I did have trouble with the timing when the cue ball hit the 8 ball but I just speed up the cue ball by cutting the frames and I did the same with the eight ball. It became natural looking at the least. After I got through the first, the rest was an easy process. I don't have much to say about this project but I wish I could've worked on the timing better and added more billiard balls.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Signature Animation

I actually liked this project. The animation turned out pretty well. At first, I had a hard time with making the signature flow because when I erased the name at first and animated it later on, the name appeared as chunky and rough. I had to this about 2 or 3 times before it became smooth and flowing. I also learned that it is important to choose your text wisely if you were to do this animation because if you choose, lets say Times New Roman, it would also be hard to make the pencil flow with the name appearing because of the spacing. With this font, you don't have to worry about stopping or picking up the pencil. It just flows. Another important factor was patience with the frames. You really had to take it frame by frame to get the animation going but I guess that's what Adobe Flash is all about. Anyways, I had to work on the frames a couple of times before I could get it right. The product of it all was simple yet amazing. Was that too corny? Well, I don't care. Once again, Adobe Flash Animation has proved itself powerful and useful. 

Traffic Flash

So this is one of the first animations I did. It's nothing fancy, obviously, but it seemed pretty amazing (to me anyways). Actually, I disliked Flash at first but later on, I found out it wasn't so bad. I wouldn't go to the point where I'd say it's fun but it is extremely useful. 

For this project, we had to create a traffic scene (hence the title "Traffic!") with four cars. I found everything pretty confusing because of the use of frames and the careful timing of everything. I got the hang of it later. 

The one thing I wish I could've done better was to create a nicer design for the cars and the timing. Everything wasn't exact but besides that, everything else is fine.