Thursday, May 19, 2011

River Water Cycle Animation

Due to the water conference happening at my school, we were told to create an animation of anything involving water. I chose the water cycle, specifically the one for rivers. 

This animation was relatively easy but it consisted of many layers and frames. I think the only problems I ran into was the timing and the shape motion tween. I had to be careful with the timing because of the many frames but it all turned out fine. The shape tween for the river looked quite awkward after the process of precipitation. Other than that, it turned out fine. 

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Slideshow Animation

For this project, the class was to create a slideshow of pictures using Adobe Flash. I didn't have much difficulty with this project. I learned a great deal from this project but I won't get into that. I found that I was having an easier time with the frames. At first, I would have a hard time placing the frames and creating motion tween and I would feel frustrated when the animation didn't move. I didn't have much problems with that during the project. There were only a few tweaks I had to make. One thing I would have liked to fix, however, was the manipulation of the shapes. Sometimes I made the frames too fast or to small so there would be difficulty for the viewer to look at the picture or read the text. I could've made it bigger and I could've made the movement of the animation less sloppy. Yes, I found most of the movement quite sloppy. I had a hard time thinking of a sequence for the pictures so I just went into the project and did whatever. I guess that was a bad idea. The first picture was nice, zooming out and then back in but the second was fast. It just sped by with the shape hardly changing. The other pictures were fine other than the second one. But the movement of the animations were simple.
Other than that, it turned out okay. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I'm not sure if I liked this project or not but I think it turned out pretty well. I did have trouble with the timing when the cue ball hit the 8 ball but I just speed up the cue ball by cutting the frames and I did the same with the eight ball. It became natural looking at the least. After I got through the first, the rest was an easy process. I don't have much to say about this project but I wish I could've worked on the timing better and added more billiard balls.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Signature Animation

I actually liked this project. The animation turned out pretty well. At first, I had a hard time with making the signature flow because when I erased the name at first and animated it later on, the name appeared as chunky and rough. I had to this about 2 or 3 times before it became smooth and flowing. I also learned that it is important to choose your text wisely if you were to do this animation because if you choose, lets say Times New Roman, it would also be hard to make the pencil flow with the name appearing because of the spacing. With this font, you don't have to worry about stopping or picking up the pencil. It just flows. Another important factor was patience with the frames. You really had to take it frame by frame to get the animation going but I guess that's what Adobe Flash is all about. Anyways, I had to work on the frames a couple of times before I could get it right. The product of it all was simple yet amazing. Was that too corny? Well, I don't care. Once again, Adobe Flash Animation has proved itself powerful and useful. 

Traffic Flash

So this is one of the first animations I did. It's nothing fancy, obviously, but it seemed pretty amazing (to me anyways). Actually, I disliked Flash at first but later on, I found out it wasn't so bad. I wouldn't go to the point where I'd say it's fun but it is extremely useful. 

For this project, we had to create a traffic scene (hence the title "Traffic!") with four cars. I found everything pretty confusing because of the use of frames and the careful timing of everything. I got the hang of it later. 

The one thing I wish I could've done better was to create a nicer design for the cars and the timing. Everything wasn't exact but besides that, everything else is fine. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Flyers! Flyers! Flyers!

For this project, we were supposed to create a flyer (hence the title of this post), one for men and one for women. For the women's flyer, I went with a summer theme and kept things simple. I've been doing that more often, huh? Well, anyways, here's the flyer for women:

As you can see, the flyer is quite busy with pictures but of course, the purpose of this is to attract buyers and sell. I do feel that the prices are quite scattered and the background design is a bit plain. I guess I could have added some more fun designs with a summer theme on it.

However, I do like the pictures I selected and I liked the way I photoshopped the girl in the top left corner. The background was a beach and I successfully erased all traces of it. It didn't take that long but I feel a bit accomplished.

As for the men's flyer, I guess you could say I was a bit lost. You see, I don't know much about men's clothes or  "fashion" so I didn't know where to start. I started off with googling a bunch of pictures for men's hoodies and shoes. Those were the first two things I could think of. Also, I think choosing casual wear made it easier for me to add pictures of what guys wear.
Creating the men's flyer was pretty quick and is a bit similar to the women's flyer. Here's a picture:

I didn't put much pictures of men's clothing and I guess I should have done so. Also, the design (if you can even call it that) is quite plain. Another thing I need to work on: creativity. I should have put more thought into the detail of the poster and the design to make it stand out and catch the reader's eye.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


For this project, the goal was to design a logo that you would be able to use in the future. I decided and kept things simple with mine. As you can see, it simple and easy to read. I wasn't completely happy with the way it turned out because it looked too simple. Even though that was my goal I guess I could have added something to make it more elaborate to catch people's attention. All in all, it turned out pretty good. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

T shirt design

This is my t-shirt design that I created for my IT200 class. I wanted to create a graphic tee that was cute and simple. As you can you above, I kept it that way.  I wasn't aiming for anything fancy. I just wanted to create a shirt design that I could wear casually. I did nothing special to make it. 

First, I googled a t-shirt template and picked out one for a girl's figure. Afterwards, I looked for a design and found the little dragon design. I thought it was adorable. I guess I could have made the design a little more elaborate for the shirt but my main goal was to create a design that anyone could wear. Simple and casual. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Movie Poster

What can I say about this project? Hmm. . . .well I know I could've done much MUCH better. This wasn't difficult nor was it easy. Maybe I was being lazy or maybe I was just lost. I'm not sure.

In this project we were supposed to pick a movie and make it into a parody (necessarily) so I chose Red Riding Hood. I chose it because it was simple but I was SO wrong. I had a lot of trouble cutting out the picture of my friend and replacing the picture of Red Riding Hood as her. You can see bits and pieces of the background. I also had a hard time fitting her under the cape. I had a lot of problems.

Maybe if I had taken a little more time with this project it would have turned out a lot better. In this project, there is a lot of room for improvement.

Book Cover

This was a fun project to make. It allowed me to experiment with possible books covers for my future books. Just kidding.

In this project, we were supposed to create a book cover with original title, review, novel, reviews, and publishing company. The story for my book cover was about dreams and fantasy so for the color, I chose a light yellow because usually dreams are portrayed with faint light, with everything a little blurry. Or maybe that's just me. The front cover contains the basics- title, author, some sort of design. The design was very simple. It featured a girl's eyes, staring. This is my main character. 

For the back cover, I took a little more time on it. The back cover contains the summary of the story, reviews (fake of course), the publisher, the publisher's logo, and a bar code. After doing the writing, I took a picture, moved it behind the text layer, and slowly erased the top of the text layer. The text didn't disappear but rather, the picture slowly came in. The picture look faded but blended in very well with the background. 
The spine was simple. The title, the author, and the publisher were all there.  

I think I did a pretty good job and it turned out the way I wanted it to. But I think I could have made it more elaborate, specifically the front cover and the spine. Also, I noticed there were some spelling errors. I really should read over and check EVERYTHING before I changed it into a JPEG file. Other than that, it turned out pretty well. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Self Portrait

At first,I wasn't really fan of this project. Photoshop takes patience and everything has to be precise if you want your project to look like the way you want it to. Learning about all the tools overwhelmed me a bit at first but eventually as I got into the project, it became easier.

This project was a self portrait, in which you were supposed to pick pictures that represented or described you. I kept it very simple, with an ocean for the background (to represent the beautiful island which I live on),
a picture of a hand writing on journal (to show my hobbies of writing and drawing), a picture of a flower (just because I found it pretty), and two pictures of myself. I thought it turned out pretty good and was better than I expected although what I didn't like was how obvious some of the lines of the pictures were. And also, I didn't like the main picture of myself. I guess I could've picked out a better one but I couldn't find one. The quality isn't that great and the outline around it makes it really unattractive. I wanted the outline of my picture to fade out a little just like the one on the bottom right.

Photoshop is really amazing and has taught me some pretty useful things. I'm glad it learned how to use it.

Monday, January 24, 2011

GoogleDocs Presentation-Roger Federer

In IT 200, we were to make a PowerPoint Presentation (through GoogleDocs) about a topic or person and persuade the audience to take some appeal towards that thing or person. Me being a tennis fan, the group suggested we do a tennis player. The teacher was also a tennis fan and he suggest we do Roger Federer. Not wanting to waste any time, we got to work.

Research, of course, was the most important but we, or I, had a lot of trouble while presenting because not all the information was valid. Although I knew Wikipedia wasn't a completely reliable source I used it any and that was a HUGE mistake. Most of the information was wrong and I didn't even bother to double check most of the research. Next time, I'll double check it instead of embarrassing myself in front of the class.

The format of the PowerPoint was also a problem. My teacher pointed out that I didn't apply the six by six rule to each slide. The six by six rule means that there is a limit of 6 lines in each slide to make it easy and simple for the audience to read and follow the actual presentation. Another thing my teacher pointed out was that most of my slides were the same. We didn't used any other layout besides the Title and Text and Caption, making the presentation a bit stale. I guess we could have changed each slide with a new layout and add more graphics.
Spelling was also a slight problem. But it wasn't that big of a problem though. I misspelled ONE word. . .I guess every point counts.

One thing I would have like to work on was teamwork. We all collaborated but I felt I did a little more than the other members. I don't mean to be rude and I'm not saying that they didn't do anything but I would have liked for them to go over some of my work and revise